New Affiliated Consultant | Lauren Jones
New Affiliated Consultant | Lauren Jones

Who are Affiliated Consultants?

CIS affiliated consultants are individuals who are part of a global network of schools, higher education institutions, educators and organizations in 124 countries dedicated to quality international education. Affiliated consultants provide CIS member schools, including their students and families with dedicated expertise and through this unique opportunity CIS refers affiliated consultants to CIS member schools and their students and families.


Area of expertise provided as part of the CIS Affiliated Consultant Network:

Learning Support



Lauren Jones, MAEd is an educational and leadership consultant focusing on supporting schools and organizations with building and expanding programming to support neurodivergence in their communities. Lauren helps schools through professional development, inclusion audits, coaching, board and leadership training, and programmatic and policy design and implementation.


Lauren has a Master’s degree in Special Education and a post graduate certificate from Harvard University in School Management and Leadership. Lauren has lived and worked in Nigeria, South Sudan, The U.S., Qatar, and Rwanda. She most recently served at the Head of School at the International School of Kigali. Prior to that, Lauren led instrumental work in Qatar, expanding programming and policy to include a broader scope of neurodiversity.
Lauren is currently consulting with various organizations and schools around the world, including the Ministry of Education in Rwanda and Save the Children. Lauren serves on the board of SENIA Africa, as well as Parents’ Alliance for Inclusion. She is a volunteer evaluator for both CIS and MSA.


School Leadership Mindset Shifting and Culture Building

  • Coming alongside leadership teams to facilitate the work of reflecting, visioning, and then implementing measures to shift mindsets and culture towards greater inclusion in their communities.

Professional Development

  • Student Support and Wellbeing
    • Trauma-informed practices
    • Restorative Practices and Positive Classroom Culture/PBIS training and facilitation
    • Behavior and Emotional Support and Wellbeing
    • Executive Functioning
    • Neurodiversity basics
    • Using Generative AI for Student Support
    • Multi-tiered systems of support
  • Special Education and Program Design
    • Alternative Programming and Paths to Graduation for Schools
    • Individual Education Plan development and implementation
  • Leadership and School Inclusivity Culture
    • Head of School and Leadership Workshop Series: Spearheading the Work Towards More Inclusive School Communities

School Audit

  • Interviews with a comprehensive range of stakeholders along with observations, and review of policies, procedures, staffing needs, and records will help provide the information needed to understand the current programming and the steps needed to expand inclusion and provide services for a more diverse scope of learners.
  • Provide specific outcomes and next steps, along with proposed ongoing consulting services as needed.
  • Audits are individualized to meet the school's desired outcomes and needs.

School Student Services Coordination

  • For small schools that cannot hire a full-time student services coordinator or for schools just getting started with student support:
    • Managing caseload of students that are identified as needing learning support. This includes IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meetings and implementation.
    • Facilitating Tiered systems of support implementation, which includes support designing interventions, tracking data, and designing programming.
    • Providing professional development and support with policy development.


"Lauren Jones is a servant leader with both the confidence and humility to lead diverse international teams. While her heart inclines toward students on the margins, her intellect sees the importance of whole-school improvement to meet the needs of all. She is agile and always ready to listen to multiple unique pathways to a more inclusive school. While both of us have left our previous employer, the legacy of Lauren’s vision continues to live and thrive. Lauren is never satisfied with the status quo. She remains positive and optimistic even when the going gets tough. It has been an honor to work with Lauren Jones. “ -Jeff Coleman, American School of Jeddah

"Lauren has worked alongside the whole Khartoum American School team to support individual students with diverse learning needs. Lauren has paid particular attention to student voice and planned empowering learning opportunities that match the students’ ambitions. Lauren has a deep understanding of inclusive learning practices and has the flexibility and experience to support others to put them to use." -Bridget Davies, Director Khartoum American School

"Lauren flew in to Dakar to facilitate a crucial special meeting of the Board of Trustees. She was well prepared and quickly grasped the context as well as the themes that were being discussed. Lauren ensured that all voices were heard, everyone was able to contribute positively and that we reached a successful conclusion - which was the approval of a new vision and mission for the school. Lauren is a skilled facilitator who has a deep understanding of international schools, governance, accreditation and the diverse needs of students and staff." -Sandy Mackenzie, Director International School of Dakar


Please feel free to connect and discuss how Lauren can support your school’s goals and vision for inclusion:



Learn more about CIS Affiliated Consultants:
  • Consultants providing consulting services to schools.
  • Consultants providing independent university counselling services to students and families