CIS Summit
The CIS Summit of University and School Leaders is a unique event that brings together problem-solvers to shape the future of international education.
Beginning in 2019, the CIS Summit was established to provide a dialog where educational leaders could collaborate and discuss challenges that faced their institutions. We found that school leaders and university leaders were discussing the same problems but separately and we wanted to bring the institutions and their leaders together. The goal of each Summit is to create a space for dialog to address specific issues and identify where needs or challenges may overlap, providing a unique opportunity to generate solutions together.
This year, the CIS Summit working groups identified three key themes that are most pressing to their respective learning communities. They are:
Broadening Assessment and Skills Recognition
In collaboration with researchers and the Coalition to Honor all Learning, this group is focussed on improving access and equity as universities assess students’ potential for academic and employment success.
Cross-Cultural Transitions
This group is seeking to foster dialogue and partnership across sectors to increase the awareness and address a gap of understanding for international students’ transitions needs and how these may differ from those of domestic students.
Fostering a Sense of Belonging and Community
By sharing practices and developing resources, this group is focussed on fostering a sense of belonging among their international students and helping them integrate into the wider community.
Findings from the CIS Summit
- Read about the preliminary findings from CIS Summit working groups in our blog.
- Members can find detailed reports and upcoming opportunities to participate in the CIS Community portal.