Child Protection Deep Dive Workshop: Online Harms and Technology; A Whole School Approach 

Date: 26–27 February 2025
Time: Central European Time (CET) Convert to your time zone

  • Day one: 08:30–16:30
  • Day two: 08:00–16:15

Location: Virtual


In-depth training focusing on developing a whole school approach to online safety and responding to complex online harm

The steady rise in young people's use of online platforms and social media brings benefits and risks. When it comes to the risks, we encourage schools to take proactive and preventative action as part of their safeguarding efforts for their students' safety, mental health, and well-being.

In this professional learning experience, you’ll access training and resources tailored to international school communities. You’ll develop the knowledge and skills to respond effectively when children are at risk through unsafe online spaces.

Return to your school to facilitate community-wide learning and growth.

Experts from CIS, Childnet International, Europol, SWGfL, and UK Safer Internet Centre will lead discussions on preventative strategies. You’ll also participate in designing and examining school responses using several complex case studies. 

What you can expect to learn:
  • the interplay between the use of social media and child and adolescent mental health, and risks presented by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • strategies to engage students and collaborate with parents about online harms

  • effective responses to concerns about different forms of online harm and abuse


How you will learn:
  • guided by exceptional speakers with deep knowledge, expertise, and direct experience
  • exploring strategies and resources to educate young people on how to prevent, identify early, and avoid or appropriately manage forms of online harm and abuse
  • fostering connections with others holding similar roles and responsibilities to facilitate collaboration and create support networks for your school
  • practicing responses to allegations and concerns related to online harm and abuse, through in-depth case study activities


When you return to school:
  • feel confident in the preventative strategies you can implement on your return to school
  • have greater awareness of the risks and complexities involved in responding to online harm involving students
  • know how to approach and lead an inquiry following a disclosure of online harm
  • prepared to develop protocols to respond effectively to online harm
  • equipped to build on protective factors within your community to take preventative action and embed online safety throughout your curriculum, knowing the vital importance of student and parent voice in this process
  • with clear signposts to trusted resources and support


Why should your school invest in this training?

The prevention and effective management of online harm can be high stakes for a school and affect the entire community. As a disclosure can be made anytime, your school must be prepared to appropriately manage this to safeguard your community further and avoid both an escalation and public reputational risk.


Who is this workshop for?

Heads of schools, principals, social-emotional counsellors, teachers, university guidance counsellors, safeguarding leads, child protection officers, school board members, and those involved with accreditation teams in your school.


CIS member schools

Registration deadline: 19 February 2025

Fees are listed in the Community portal.

You can check if your school is a member in our membership directory. Learn more about CIS membership. If your institution is not a CIS member, contact us at to learn more about applying for membership.



CIS affiliated consultants & CIS supporting members
  • Registration deadline: 19 February 2025
  • Fee: €550.00 (excluding VAT)

Please contact if you interesting in attending this event.