Announcement! The New CIS International Accreditation Framework & Process
Announcement! The New CIS International Accreditation Framework & Process
A developmental, differentiated approach to international accreditation

We’ve completed our review of the CIS International Accreditation framework and protocol, and we’re excited to talk about its evolution and what this means for CIS-accredited schools.

Our new framework and process will enable strategic school improvement. A developmental approach to accreditation will align school practices with its strategic priorities. Research-informed standards will guide and support schools to assess and strengthen the impact of international education on their community, with a focus on socially responsible leadership.

And, in consultation with our team, schools will co-construct an accreditation process guided by their school’s strategic priorities and underpinned by the CIS International Accreditation standards.


What's new?
  • Guided choice: Schools will have agency and voice in their accreditation process, leading development in areas that make a difference to their community. They will evaluate their current systems, priorities, and strategic drivers through the lens of the CIS International Accreditation Cornerstones and Dimensions to advance and evidence improvement.
  • Future-focused standards: Our standards frame high-quality international practice, are futures-focused, and support school development at each accreditation stage and cycle. 18 standards organized in three dimensions to guide schools.
  • Cornerstone expectations focus on the central operational and strategic structures in the school and are grouped into three areas—Purpose, Practices, & Planning. Schools will demonstrate evidence of alignment with the cornerstone expectations early in the process and as a developmental outcome.
  • Development initiatives become the focus of the school’s self-study. The school will use aspirational standards focused on three dimensions—Guiding Principles, Learning & Well-being.
  • Socially responsible leadership: The framework emphasizes the development of socially responsible leadership through international education, preparing students to become global citizens who can navigate and contribute to our world no matter where their paths take them.


Value of CIS International Accreditation 
  • Expertise & guidance: The CIS Global Team includes knowledgeable international educators and experienced school leaders who guide schools through the process. Schools can reach out to their designated CIS representative for ongoing support as they navigate opportunities and challenges and plan for the future.
  • Strategic alignment: Schools will align their accreditation process with their strategic priorities, using CIS Research-informed standards to guide and improve strategic work. Accreditation activities are focused on the daily work of the school.
  • Focused evaluation: Evaluation teams will be smaller, making the team evaluation visit efficient and focused. Standards are focused to eliminate repetition and offer aspirational goals in three dimensions of education: Guiding Principles, Learning, and Well-being.
  • Ongoing improvement: The accreditation process supports the school’s goal for ongoing improvement, providing support and resources to help them achieve their goals.


Announcement! The New CIS International Accreditation Framework & Process