What’s with all this meanness online?
What’s with all this meanness online?

The third in a series of member-only documentary film screenings from Indieflix will take place on 11 March.

The Upstanders explores cyber-bullying, bullying among friends, families, co-workers, and the brain science behind it all. It’s a film-based education program about resilience, attention, and the power of connection to end bullying.

The screening will be promptly followed by a panel discussion with representatives from CIS member schools and universities. Viewers will also have access to supporting resources and materials. 


Watch the trailer

How to register? Our members can find links to register for one of the CIS screenings on 11 March on the homepage of the CIS Community portal. The screening will be promptly followed by a panel discussion and viewers will have access to supporting resources and materials.


It is essential viewing for leaders, staff and faculty alike. CIS members will be able to access the accompanying resources to help them tackle bullying in its many forms. You can also arrange a screening for your own community at a CIS member-only rate so that your students, teachers and parents can all benefit.


What’s with all this meanness online?