It’s been a remarkable year for the CIS community, filled with new initiatives and significant changes. Read our reflections as we celebrate the great strides we're taking forward together.
Socially Responsible Leadership
We are committed to the development of socially responsible leadership through international education.
To guide our membership community with this commitment and vision, we support three strategic growth areas for educational institutions. We encourage our members to:
Global citizenship
Enhance their global citizenship practices by self-determining contextually relevant and aspirational goals related to principles of personal, local, and global importance, such as environmental, economic, and social sustainability.
Inclusion via Diversity, Equity and Anti-racism
Recognise and consider everyone’s cultural background and identities by valuing their community members and giving consideration to their age, disabilities, neurodiversity, social status, economic status, languages, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and more.
Intercultural Learning
Nurture intercultural learning as an adaptive process that focuses on the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes such as intercultural understanding and competence, communication within and across cultures, conflict resolution, collaboration, and more.
Our members have access to resources and activities to engage in any combination of these three interrelated strategic growth areas. Visit the CIS Community portal for more.
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