Bridging the gap between schools and universities
Post-secondary transitions & international student recruitment, success, & well-being
Date: 13 November 2024
Time: 08:30–18:30 Central European Time (CET)
Location: International School of the Basel Region AG (Aesch Campus), Switzerland
Join this interactive workshop to strengthen students' secondary-to-higher education experience by fostering a deeper understanding and cross-sector collaboration between international school counsellors, university admissions representatives, and student services professionals.
You’ll gain valuable insights into each other’s roles and expectations, enhancing your ability to support students through this significant transitional life phase and, notably, the additional opportunities and challenges that moving across cultures brings.
We’ll draw on the CIS Transition Care Model—a new resource only available to CIS member institutions—to tackle a wide range of topics related to student transition across cultures, including repatriating students, third culture kids (TCK), students with additional learning needs, mental health and well-being needs, financial support, and needs relating to inclusion, diversity, equity, and anti-racism (I-DEA), and much more.
Experts will guide your learning so that, at whichever point you interact with students on this secondary-school-to-university pathway, you’ll have practical skills, strategies, and knowledge to support their diverse needs.
WHAT you’ll learn during this CIS professional learning experience:
All participants will gain a better understanding of each other’s roles and expectations of the other sector.
HOW you’ll learn:
- guided by experts who represent the fields of student cross-cultural transition (SPAN), student psychology and counselling (Linden Global Learning Support Services), medicine and psychology (Weill Cornell Medicine), university counselling (International School Lausanne), university international relations (University of Graz), and information behaviour (University of Melbourne)
- connecting, engaging and collaborating with CIS school counsellors, leaders and CIS university recruitment and student support services personnel to foster a smoother transition process
- drawing on the CIS Transition Care Model, a new resource only available to CIS member schools and universities
- from perspectives from peers about their transitions-care programming
- using tools to foster dialogue and connection with your colleagues in school counselling, recruitment, student services, enrolment
- via a guided case study review to gain strategies and tools for responding to international students with complex needs that emerge during your interactions
- the schedule is shaped so you learn together as a full group and spend time learning via two tailored strands:
- strand A is for schools: Guidance counsellors, future pathway advisors, career counsellors, curriculum coordinators and managers, secondary school principals and social and emotional counsellors.
- strand B is for universities: Recruitment and admissions representatives, VPs of enrolment and admissions, student services and student life personnel, international student advisors
WHY you should learn with us?
- The workshop responds to common questions from member schools & universities
- Research on international student mental health & well-being
- Research on bridging the gap
- Research on unique international student needs
- Research on transitions-care programmes beyond academics at CIS schools
The workshop responds to common questions from member schools & universities
Research on international student mental health & well-being
Research on bridging the gap
Research on unique international student needs
Research on transitions-care programmes beyond academics at CIS schools
- Keynote speaker: Dr Justin Chen, MD, MPH, Weill Cornell Medicine
- Strand A:
- Noa Kanter, Clinical Child Psychologist, Head of Counseling Services & Safeguarding Officer, Linden Global Learning Support Services
- Katrina Edmunds, University counsellor/futures coach, international educator and inclusion ally, International School Lausanne
- Jane Barron, Director of Training and Consulting, Student Cross-Cultural Transition, Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN)
- Dr Katie Rigg, CIS Director of Higher Education Services & Student Well-being
- Strand B:
- Dr Justin Chen
- Jackie Vogl, former Director of the Global Education Office at SUNY Plattsburgh
- Sabine Pendl, Director of the Office of International Relations at the University of Graz, former President of EAIE
- Both strands: Dr Shanton Chang, Professor of Information Behaviour, The University of Melbourne
WHO is this workshop for?
This professional learning opportunity is for:
Schools: Guidance counsellors, future pathway advisors, career counsellors, curriculum coordinators and managers, secondary school principals and social and emotional counsellors on preparing students for post-secondary pathways, fostering successful cross-cultural transitions, well-being, and belonging.
Universities: Recruitment and admissions representatives, VPs of enrolment and admissions, directors of student services and student life, and international student advisors on supporting international student success, retention, and well-being for fully matriculating students/from recruitment and to university life.
You can check if your school is a member in our membership directory. Learn more about CIS membership.
Registration Deadline: 30 October 2024
CIS member schools & universities
Fees are listed in the Community portal.
Registration has closed
You can check if your school is a member in our membership directory. Learn more about CIS membership. If your institution is not a CIS member, contact us at to learn more about applying for membership.
CIS affiliated consultants & CIS supporting members
- Affiliated Consultants fee: €350.00 (excluding VAT)
- Supporting members fee: €450.00 (excluding VAT)
Please contact if you are interested in attending this event.
While you’re there
Consider extending your trip by two days and join our annual CIS Global Forum on International Admission & Guidance on 14–15 November to network with several hundred of your peers from across the CIS global community of schools and universities.
What’s the difference between the two events?
This workshop offers guided professional learning and development by experts in the field who we invite to partner with CIS to deliver the training. The Forum is a peer-led professional learning and networking event focused on the latest trends in international admissions and guidance and building networks across the community to support students applying to university.