2022 Forum Madrid banner landscape

In-person networking and learning for university admission and international school guidance professionals

In November 2022, we united in Madrid to connect, share, collaborate, and learn together with our colleagues from CIS member universities and schools worldwide during a packed programme on international admission and guidance.

The event was designed for professionals from our member institutions to seize the opportunity to:
  • learn about university admission systems worldwide
  • share effective practices for supporting students in the application process
  • explore global trends in international student recruitment
  • master skills to use in your daily work
  • promote your institution
  • support each other and build lasting relationships
  • school counsellors: promote your school and students to a broad audience of admissions representatives from our member universities
  • university admissions representatives: enjoy direct access to hundreds of international school counsellors from our member schools
Our 2022 Forums focused on these key themes:
  • Rising from the pandemic: Changing practices for the future
  • International student transitions to higher education
  • Regional and curriculum updates
  • Assessment and admissions: What are we doing differently now?

Our members use these events to explore the wide variety of ways they can support students at this significant point in their lives making their transition from international school to universities worldwide.

Connect and learn

through energizing exchanges and insights that strengthen relationships and support student transitions from school to higher education.


Last updated | 28 October 2022

Past participants tolds us ...

I always love how CIS is thinking forward in ways that we can continue to grow and change to best support our students

The CIS Global Forum is truly the highlight of the year for us. […] sessions and networking opportunities are absolutely stellar.

It’s a great place to get connected with people who are working in the same field and to share the experiences. It’s good that we get updates here about current trends in the school and university education.

I have already started working on implementing things that I learned at the forum. As a first timer, I found the event a great place to connect and share practices as well as learn from others.

On inclusion via diversity, equity, and anti-racism (I-DEA):

I learned … anti-racism is a child protection issue!

I would like to explore how we can review letters of recommendation for racial bias.