Pedagogy Playbook
The Pedagogy Playbook is the outcome of a two-year research project conducted in collaboration with the Jacobs Foundation, the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER UK), and the Klingenstein Center at Teachers College, Columbia University. Engaging with over 140 CIS member school communities, we explored the concept of pedagogy in an international school context to understand how schools make decisions about teaching and learning, and to learn how they evaluate their implementation of pedagogical decision-making.
Our overall goal was to develop an open access resource to support schools around the world as they lead pedagogical change in their communities.
This project began in 2022 with four guiding questions:
- How do schools select, adopt, plan, implement, and evaluate pedagogies?
- What factors lead to changes in practice? (Cultural, historical, curricular, contextual?)
- How & where do schools access evidence to make decisions?
- How do perspectives between stakeholders align and diverge within a school?
This playbook is centered on nine priorities that emerged from the research as the prominent elements underpinning decision making across many schools.
We invite you to explore the playbook to help you engage your community to reflect on your priorities for learning and to plan for the future of learning in your school.
I believe in my school there is not only the teacher or the leader providing resources, but there is a whole community supporting each and every student in the school. We have a community that supports each other.
Why use it?
This resource will help you:
- Reflect on your vision and core beliefs about learning;
- Review the aspects currently prioritised in your decision-making;
- Incorporate school community voices in your review;
- Identify your key priorities for learning going forward; and
- Center school development plans around these priorities.
Who is it for?
- Learning leaders who are ready to transform learning in their schools.
- Teachers, students, parents and other members of the wider school community.
How to use it?
- Explore the 9 Priorities for Learning emerging from our research study.
- Use the tool to identify your current priorities for learning.
- Consult community voices to incorporate multiple perspectives.
- Identify ways to adjust your priorities for a greater impact on learning.
- Draw up an action plan.
Learn more about CIS membership
CIS leads a collaborative global membership community of more than 1,500 schools and higher education institutions, exploring and developing effective practices to foster healthy, interculturally competent global citizens. We connect ideas and cultures across the world, developing socially responsible leadership through international education. Learn more about membership or sign-up to connect with our membership team.